27th Dec. 2014
In respect of the earlier Vadhu-var melawa dated 14th Dec. 2014, it is noticed that all the vadhu-var have not submitted the list of their suitable matches so as to decide by ourselves the reciprocal preferances offered by both parties and accordingly inform them, Only few have done so. It is therefore, all the vadhu-var, especially vadhus or their parrents are requested to come to the office of 96 Kuli Maratha Sangh at Hotel Suhas, Mapusa any time, to view the biodata and photographs of their suitable matches and enlist them so that, we can decide the reciprocal preferences of both parties and inform them of their mobile phone numbers so that they can have a primary talks amoung themselves and after both sides mutual satisfaction can come to us for meeting in persons or for further advice. Also those who have not submitted their photographs are requested to do so as soon as possible so that the other parties are free to choose their match and decide.
--The Organizers
From Mr. Suhas Baburao Naik
In fond memory of his mother late Anasuyabai Baburao Naik,
At all Goa level at Shivaji Mandir
Students actually staying in Backward Rural areas such as 1) Pernem, 2) Bicholim, 3) Sattary, 4) Sanguem, 5) Quepem and 6) Canacona, securing maximum marks above 75 in Marathi subject
in X examination------------------------------------------------------Rs. 1,500/-
in XII examination----------------------------------------------------Rs. 2,000/-
Students actually staying in Backward Rural areas such as 1) Pernem, 2) Bicholim, 3) Sattary, 4) Sanguem, 5) Quepem and 6) Canacona, securing maximum marks above 75 % overall
in X examination-----------------------------------------------------Rs. 1,500/-
in XII examination---------------------------------------------------Rs. 2,000/-
Students actually staying in Backward Rural areas such as 1) Pernem, 2) Bicholim, 3) Sattary, 4) Sanguem, 5) Quepem and 6) Canacona, securing maximum marks overall and securing admission in
Engineering Degree and if not then Diploma---------------------Rs. 3,000/-
Total Rs. 10,000/-
Suhas B. Naik,
Hotel SUHAS, Mapusa, Goa.
Ph. 2262497, Mob: 9822100701.
From: Surendra Krishna Gauns
In fond memory of his mother Radhabai Krishna Gauns
At all Goa level at Shivaji Mandir, Parvorim
Highest marks overall
In S.S.C. examination--------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
In H.S.S.C examination
Arts-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
Science-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
Commerce---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
In B.A. examination---------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
In B.Sc. examination--------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
In B.Com. examination-----------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
In B.C.A. examination------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
In B.B.A. examination------------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
In P/Graduate examination-------------------------------------------------------------Rs. 500/-
Total Amonut Rs. 5000/-
Surendra K. Gauns,
Karas wada, Mapusa, Goa. 403 507
Ph. 2265546, Mob 9422062428